NHPolitics.com gearing up for the NH Primary.
Please enjoy some of our 2020 NH Primary highlights in the mean time…
Bernie Sanders Is A Trump/Republican/Russian COMMUNIST FIGHTER!!!
Former President Trump Losing Path EXPOSED In Iowa
President Trump is vulnerable in the NH Primary, but his Iowa results have shown just how vulnerable he is in the general election. A former, recent, President should be able to earn many more votes than 51%. While Nikki Haley is relatively new on the Presidential...
Can Iowa Go Smoother Than 2020? Iowa: Be Like NH!
The Iowa Caucus was a total mess in 2020. The DNC and Iowa staff were involved with a computer software development that was way over their production capabilities. It was full of bugs, not ready for prime time, and delayed the certification process for the whole...
Haley’s Biggest Threat To Dems: TWO TERMS
Nikki Haley totally commanded her debate last night with Desanctimonious. She was in charge. She was rapid fire for two solid hours, like the energizer bunny. I kept waiting for her to get tired. She didn't. She ended the debate looking a refreshed as when she...
Days Left To Vote Trump OUT!

Jeanne Shaheen Deserves Reelection!
No one has done more to change NH than US Senator, Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH).
When she was elected NH’s first woman Governor in 1996 the Republicans owned the Governor’s office, both Houses of the Legislature, and total control of NH’s powerful Executive Council. Republicans held both of NH’s Congressional seats and both US Senate seats. She was one of only 6 Democratic State Senators.
The Governor rolled up her sleeves and turned that all around. NH is a very different place than it was in 1996.
NHPolitics.com was founded in 1996 to be sure she got a fair shake, the Republicans owned most of the newspapers, too.
And Senator Shaheen has earned our full, unconditional, support since then. She should be reelected!
Know Anyone Thinking of Running For Congress?
Want to convince that person who has what you would like to see in Congress to run? Check out this video by the Justice Democrats. They are changing the country, one congressional district at a time. This is worth a view by anyone considering a run for Congress!
AOC’s Endorsement of Bernie Sanders
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders is one of the most effective endorsements available to candidates in 2020. And, typical from her, AOC’s endorsement ROCKS!! It’s worth a view! Where in the hec did the Justice Democrats find people of this quality to run? Just everyday people performing better that seasoned, experienced, members. AOC has shown us regular people can do this!
Ilhan’s Amazing Committee Work
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) may be a freshman, but this committee work is the best we’ve ever seen here at NHPolitics.com. That it was from a freshman Congresswoman in Congress for a couple of months makes this over the top! Ilhan ROCKS!! We are proud to be an AMERICAN WITH Ilhan Omar! She has her AMERICAN priorities in the right place. What a role model for young people!