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Michigan Governor Whitmer is a woman who can maximize the Roe/Dobbs issues the GOP generously handed to Democrats on a silver platter.

A woman candidate can sell reproductive freedom so much better and more effective than a popular male candidate can – and Biden, under-water in all credible polls, is the anti-thesis to a popular or likable male candidate.

Reproductive rights has commanded and led off year elections since Dobbs. It’s electoral malpractice not to consider the Dobbs issues with a very high priority when selecting a nominee.

But not only can Whitmer maximize the advantages from the Trump/GOP SCOTUS Dobbs attack on women’s rights, she has other advantages to show the consequences of Trump’s violence effect on our society. Whitmer was the victim of an assassination/kidnap attack, where extremists that resembled Trump and his attitudes cased Whitmer’s house and planned to kill her if they got the shot.

Whitmer comes to the table with many accomplishments, and huge electoral popularities in Michigan’s swing state voter base.

She is fiscally responsible, taking a projected 3 billion dollar deficit in 2020 and turned that into a 9 billion dollar surplus in 2023. She has balanced 5 bipartisan budgets, increased the Michigan rainy day fund to an all time high of 2 billion dollars, 36,000 auto jobs were created, she fixed 20,000+ lane miles of “the damn roads” and 1,400+ bridges, rolled back MI’s retirement tax, signed over 1000 bipartisan bills, made huge expansion of internet access, all while paying down 18 billion in debt, without raising any taxes – Zero!

Electorally she won reelection by a landslide by Michigan standards, earning almost 55% of the vote, beating Biden’s 2020 numbers by 5 points in this very competitive swing state.

Governor Whitmer has changed the culture, with record gains in women political participation with a woman AG and Sec of State, and the first black woman, Kyra Harris Bolden, now sits on the MI Supreme Court.

And to top it all off, while the Biden/Harris ticket mostly loses to Trump, Whitmer polls a 10 point lead over Trump. That means that Whitmer is more likely to have real coattails to bring in many more members of Congress and the Senate. Like Obama in 2008, Whitmer’s candidacy will expand majorities. That has huge policy advantages, not the least of which is that the numbers could be used to stack the Supreme Court.

Although Obama/Biden got rolled on their SCOTUS appointments, Biden has refused to stack the Court. That means reproductive and sexual freedom rights will be held hostage for generations under this MAGA Court. And that means gun safety reforms can’t take place with this Court for generations, either.

While Biden mostly takes Trump’s classified documents issue off the table because of his own irresponsible handling of our secrets for decades, Gretchen Whitmer has no such encumbrance. She can take Trump on directly for stealing our nuclear secrets. Seriously. Why would Democrats give that issue away?

Biden has tried as hard as he could to screw NH out of the #FITN Primary because Biden can’t win in NH. NH owes Biden nothing. He could have been on the NH Primary ballot, but instead gave NH the middle finger. There is nothing to be gained by writing him in, he has already stripped NH out of all delegates.

Writing Governor Gretchen Whitmer in will get people thinking about what an amazing candidate she is for free, in the event that Biden needs to be replaced at the Democratic Convention. And if Nikki Haley is the GOP nominee, Biden will have to be replaced, or lose. Writing Whitmer in causes Biden no real consequences, should he remain on the ballot.

While it’s a free write-in vote with no consequences, it could make a world of difference in 2024’s November election results including greatly expanded control of both chambers, as well as keeping the White House.