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Isn’t it just time for Biden to tell Israel to go home and build their defenses so a future attack can’t happen? And that we are bringing the Aircraft Carriers home and will not allow them to expand their war.

For heavens sake, they have blown up half of Gaza and incinerated nearly ten thousand little kids. They have made their point and maximized their deterrence. Any more is overkill – pun intended – and way, way, past the law of diminishing returns. It’s time for Israel to act in the world’s interest, rather than their impulsive vengefulness. It’s time for them to play their part in reducing antisemitism and Islamophobia. Enough.

And they are not under immanent or unmanageable threat right now if they come home, so there is no valid defense issue, and certainly the world will be under less threat if Israel goes home.

The US is heading to spending multi-trillion dollars, and that is money Netan-Yahoo, indicted for the fiduciary crimes of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust, is forcing us to spend, and money that could go to expanding Social Security and middle class retirements, and student loan forgiveness and a more appropriate government low interest student loan system geared to the middle class, we all have a list to spend that money better.

If Biden expands the war and refuses to contain Israel and their war crimes, and forces the American taxpayer to pay to defend those war crimes, he should not be reelected in the November election if he’s still on that ballot in 2024. It’s time for Biden to lead, on behalf of the world, not just on behalf of Israel and the associated AIPAC campaign donations to Biden’s Presidential campaign.