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Former SC Governor, Nikki Haley, is a very skilled GOP leader and campaigner who often points out that she’s an accountant. And it’s hard not to agree with her campaign tag line that goes something like, “It’s time for an accountant in the White House”.

But can Nikki Haley count?

She led the charge on the GOP side to swear total unconditional alliance to Israel. And she was unconditional about her support. But can the Accountant Governor put the money where her mouth is?

Former CIA director and General, David Petraeus estimates that the war in Israel could last a decade. If you put a dollar amount on it you are talking in the trillions. That’s money that can’t go to Social Security funding, student debt forgiveness, a decent, middle class focused, student loan system, and a lot of other important needs of the working class.

Some people probably think it’s great that Nikki Haley is leading us into a trillion dollar war in the Middle East if she’s elected. But she also chided other Republicans for spending like drunken sailors, and she even has the political courage to point out that Trump added 8 trillion to the debt. So Nikki Haley has some explaining to do. How is she going to pay for her trillion dollar war – and what if it’s a multi-trillion dollar war?

Nikki Haley is a really likeable person. And really important to note when you are writing about a Republican, she appears like a sane person. And she did take down the Confederate flag while she was Governor, in South Carolina no less.

Nikki Haley is an accountant. But in a Party that really is male dominated, can Nikki Haley really count?

She can start by explaining how she’s going to pay trillions for an additional war from an unconditional alliance commitment with Israel..