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Did Iowa Fail, or Succeed For Party Establishment?

Did Iowa Fail, or Succeed For Party Establishment?

Did Iowa succeed for the Party Elites who want to stop Bernie?  Iowa is NOT New Hampshire. It has a very questionable past. In NH people are used to, and expect honest elections, overseen by Mr. Integrity, Secretary of State Bill Gardner. With so many of the...
Did Iowa Fail, or Succeed For Party Establishment?

Run AOC, RUN!! You’ll Win NH!!

AOC is the best and most talented political leader I’ve ever seen. She has an unconditional endorsement from whenever she decides to run for President. When you are from NH you get to meet a lot of really GREAT political leaders. At
Did Iowa Fail, or Succeed For Party Establishment?

What Is Trump Hiding?

An anti-Trump Republican group announced new advertisements demanding testimony from White House officials in President Trump’s impeachment trial.  The Republicans for the Rule of Law’s ad campaign features 11 new billboards and five new video ads,...
Did Iowa Fail, or Succeed For Party Establishment?


NH is made for AOC. She’s a huge help for Bernie Sanders. And when she’s ready to run for President, she’ll win NH. She has an unconditional endorsement by no matter when she runs. AOC was born to be a President!     How AOC...